Apache Spark Streaming – Processing Multiple Batches

Learning Objectives: Work on Spark streaming which is used to build scalable fault-tolerant streaming applications. Also, learn about DStreams and various Transformations performed on the streaming data. You will get to know about commonly used streaming operators such as Sliding Window Operators and Stateful Operators.
  • Drawbacks in Existing Computing Methods
  • Why Streaming is Necessary?
  • What is Spark Streaming?
  • Spark Streaming Features
  • Spark Streaming Workflow
  • How Uber Uses Streaming Data
  • Streaming Context & DStreams
  • Transformations on DStreams
  • Describe Windowed Operators and Why it is Useful
  • Important Windowed Operators
  • Slice, Window and ReduceByWindow Operators
  • Stateful Operators