SQL Essentials Training & Certification

SQL Essentials Training & Certification

Course Description

SQL skills are highly sought after in web development, programming, data analysis and reporting environments. Learn how to write SQL (Structured Query Language) using Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio from scratch with SQL Essentials training course. 

Why this course ?

  • SQL skills are highly sought after in web development, programming, data analysis and reporting environments
  • SQL is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring employers
  • Average salary of SQL Developer is $85,599 – Indeed.com


  • DDL (Data Definitions Language) Commands

    Goal: Data Definition Commands defines the syntax of a database and manipulate database objects.

    Module Objectives:
    RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) Introduction
    Normalization in RDBMS
    Create database objects i.e. Create Table
    Delete database objects i. e. Delete Database
    Alter database objects i.e. Change Column Name
    Create, alter and delete constraints

    Relation Database Management System (RDBMS)
    Create Database objects
    Data Types in SQL
    Alter Table Statements
    Drop Table Statements
    Various Constraints
    Creating Views

    Create Table With Predefine Columns
    Add New Column to Existing Table
    Check the constraints on a table
    Add Primary Key and Foreign Key on Table
    Remove Unique Constraint

  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) Commands

    Goal: DML Commands help to work with existing data. Using these commands we can add, modify, or delete the data.

    Module Objectives:
    Insert record/data in tables
    Modify/Update the existing data
    Retrieve the data from database from single table
    Use of operators for data retrieval
    Delete the data from tables

    Insert Statements
    Insert – As- Select Statement
    Update Statements
    Delete Statements
    Truncate Statements
    Select Statement
    Sorting and Filtering
    SQL wildcard
    CASE Expression

    Insert the records in an existing table
    Delete selective records
    Update data in the table based on data from another table

  • Retrieve data from multiple tables

    Goal: To combines columns from multiple tables in a database by using values common to tables

    Module Objectives:
    Retrieve records from multiple tables

    Inner Join
    Left Join
    Right Join
    Cross Join

    Retrieve data from multiple tables

  • Inbuilt Functions in SQL

    Goal: Use Built-In functions to calculate values and manipulate data

    Module Objectives:
    Use of Built-in Functions
    Use of Group by Command
    Use of Having Commands

    Conversion Function
    Logical Functions
    Math Function
    Aggregate Functions
    String Functions
    Date Functions

    Determine the Count of rows satisfying a certain condition
    Determine average of a column
    Determine Sum of a column

  • Create Advance database objects

    Goal: To create advanced database objects for data manipulation and data retrieval

    Module Objectives:
    Create Stored Procedure
    Execute Stored Procedure
    Create Functions
    Create Triggers

    Custom Functions
    Stored Procedure

    Create Functions
    Create Triggers
    Create and Execute Stored Procedure

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