AWS Architect Certification Training

AWS Architect Certification Training

Course Description

SkillHigher’s AWS Architect Certification Training is curated by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. It will help you prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) – Associate Exam. With SkillHigher’s  instructor-led sessions, you will be able to effectively deploy secure and robust applications on AWS. The course will help you identify the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute or security requirements


  • Introduction To AWS

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about the different services provided by AWS. You will be provided with an overview of important resources required for architecting an application.


    • Cloud Computing
    • Cloud deployment and service models
    • AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
    • AWS Services
    • Ways to access AWS Services


    • Sign-up for AWS free-tier account
    • Create a S3 bucket through Console
    • Create a S3 bucket through AWS CLI
    • Launch an EC2 instance

  • Security Management In AWS

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about security management in AWS using Identity Access Management (IAM) and Key Management Service.


    • User management through Identity Access Management (IAM)
    • Various access policies across AWS Services
    • API keys service access
    • Best practices for IAM
    • Key Management Service
    • Access billing and create alerts on billing

    • Create new users who can login to AWS console
    • Create role for an application to access S3
    • Create policies for new user to have either admin or limited privileges
    • Credential rotation for IAM users
    • Login to AWS console via MFA
    • Create API keys for accessing AWS Services
    • Create Budget

  • Object Storage Options

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about the different Object Storage Services offered by AWS, identify when to use a specific service, how to store/transfer data using these services and optimize the storage cost.


    • S3 bucket – Creation, Version Control, Security, Replication, Transfer Acceleration
    • Storage classes in S3
    • Life cycle policy in S3
    • Cost optimization for S3
    • CloudFront – Create and configure with S3
    • Snowball
    • Storage Gateway and its types


    • Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3
    • Versioning in AWS S3
    • Replicating data across regions
    • S3 Transfer acceleration
    • Transfer and retrieve data from Glacier through lifecycle policy
    • Upload a file to AWS S3 through a Website
    • Accessing a static website through Cloud Front

  • Amazon EC2

    Learning Objectives: EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is the backbone of AWS. In this module, you will learn about the concepts associated with an EC2 instance and their usage. This module covers different Amazon AMIs, a demo on launching an AWS EC2 instance, ways to connect with an instance and how to host a website on AWS EC2 instance.


    Start, stop and terminate an EC2 Instance
    Security Group
    VPC, ENI, Public and Private IP
    Storage services
    EBS and its types
    Cost optimization


    Host your website inside EC2
    Create an AMI
    Create an Elastic IP
    Attaching an EBS volume externally
    To create a snapshot
    Mount EFS volumes

  • Load Balancing, Auto-Scaling And Route 53

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn the concepts of Load Balancing, Auto-Scaling and Route 53 to manage traffic.


    • Elastic Load Balancer and its types
    • Comparison of Classic, Network and Application Load Balancer
    • Auto-Scaling
    • Components of Auto-Scaling
    • Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling
    • Auto-Scaling policy
    • Working of Route 53
    • Various Routing Policies

    • Create a Classic Load Balancer
    • Create a Network Load Balancer
    • Work with Application Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling
    • Auto-Scaling and Scaling policy
    • Point a sub-domain to EC2 box in Route 53

  • Database Services And Analytics

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about the different database services offered by AWS to handle structured and unstructured data. This module also gives you knowledge on how to analyze your data.


    Amazon RDS and its benefits
    Amazon Aurora
    Amazon DynamoDB
    Amazon RedShift
    AWS Kinesis


    Storing an application data in MySQL DB using Relational Database Service (RDS)
    Creating Tables, loading sample data and running queries
    Redis Cache
    Visualize the web traffic using Kinesis Data Stream

  • Networking And Monitoring Services

    Learning Objectives: This module introduces you to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. You will learn to implement networking using public and private subnets with VPC. Also, this module demonstrates how to monitor your services.


    VPC – Benefits and Components
    CIDR Notations
    Network Access Control List v/s Security Groups
    NAT – Network Address Translation
    VPC peering
    AWS CloudWatch
    AWS CloudTrail
    Trusted Advisor


    Create a Non-default VPC and attach it to an EC2 instance
    Accessing Internet Inside Private Subnet Using NAT Gateway
    Connect two instances in different VPC’s using VPC peering
    Monitoring an EC2 instance using CloudWatch
    Enable CloudTrail and Store Logs in S3
    Explore the Trusted Advisor

  • Applications Services And AWS Lambda

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about the different Application services offered by AWS, that are used for sending e-mails, notifications, and processing message queues. This module also deals with the latest trend of Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda.


    AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
    AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS)
    AWS Simple Work Flow (SWF)
    AWS Lambda


    Send an email through AWS SES
    Send a notification through SNS
    Send an e-mail through Lambda when an object is added to S3
    Send a notification through Lambda when a message is sent to SQS

  • Configuration Management and Automation

    Learning Objectives: This module helps you gain knowledge on various AWS services and tools used for configuration management and Automation.


    AWS CloudFormation
    AWS OpsWorks – OpsWorks for Chef Automate, OpsWorks for Stack, OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprises
    AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    Differentiate between CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and Beanstalk


    Installation of LAMP server in EC2 through CloudFormation
    AWS OpsWorks Stack
    Deploy a Web Application with DynamoDB using Beanstalk

  • AWS Architectural Designs – I

    Learning Objectives: This module gives you an idea about the importance of AWS guidelines for Well Architected Framework. You will also learn about the Resilient and Performant architecture designs.

    • Determine how to design high-availability and fault-tolerant architectures
    • Choose reliable/resilient storage
    • Determine how to design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services
    • Determine how to design a multi-tier architecture solution
    • Disaster Recovery Solution
    • Choose performant storage
    • Apply caching to improve performance
    • Design solutions for elasticity and scalability

  • AWS Architectural Designs – II (Self-paced)

    Learning Objectives: Adding to Module 10, this module covers the remaining three concepts behind AWS Well-Architected Framework – Securing Applications and Architectures, Designing Cost-Optimized Architectures, Defining Operationally Excellent Architectures.

    • Well-Architected Framework
    • Specify Secure Applications and Architectures
    • Design Cost-Optimized Architectures
    • Define Operationally-Excellent Architectures

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification Exam Questionnaires (Self-Paced)

    Learning Objectives: This module mainly contains exam questionnaires that will be discussed along with the guidance on taking up AWS Solution Architect Certification Exam.

    • AWS Solution Architect Certification Exam Guide
    • Certification Exam Questionnaires

  • DevOps on AWS (Self-paced)

    Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn how to implement DevOps tools on AWS.

    • Overview of DevOps – Lifecycle, Stages in DevOps
    • AWS CodeCommit
    • AWS CodePipeline
    • AWS Code Deploy

    • Implement AWS CodeCommit
    • Implement AWS CodePipeline

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