Python Programming Certification Course

Python Programming Certification Course

Course Description

Skill Higher Python Programming Certification Course will help you master important Python programming concepts such as Data Operations, File Operations, Object-Oriented concepts, and various Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib and many more. You will learn Data Visualization and techniques to deal with different types of data – ordinal, categorical, encoding. This course makes you industry-ready by working on real-life case-studies and equipping you with relevant concepts.

Why should you take Python Programming Certification Course?
1. Python is the future of AI and Machine Learning – Adrian Rosebrock, author of the book, ‘Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python’

2.A Senior Python Developer earns an average salary of $109,280 per year, according to

3.Python is the preferred language for new technologies such as Data Science and Machine Learning.


  • Learning Objectives: You will get a brief idea of what Python is and touch on the basics.

    • Overview of Python
    • The Companies using Python
    • Different Applications where Python is used
    • Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows
    • Values, Types, Variables
    • Operands and Expressions
    • Conditional Statements
    • Loops
    • Command Line Arguments
    • Writing to the screen

    Hands On/Demo:
    • Creating “Hello World” code
    • Variables
    • Demonstrating Conditional Statements
    • Demonstrating Loops

    • Fundamentals of Python programming

  • Learning Objective: Perform operations on Files and learn different types of sequence structures, their usage, and execute sequence operations.

    • Method of Accepting User Input and eval Function
    • Python – Files Input/Output Functions
    • Lists and Related Operations
    • Tuples and Related Operations
    • Strings and Related Operations
    • Sets and Related Operations
    • Dictionaries and Related Operations
    • File Handling
    • Tuple – Properties, Related Operations
    • List – Properties, Related Operations
    • Dictionary – Properties, Related Operations
    • Set – Properties, Related Operations
    • String – Properties, Related Operations

  • Learning Objective: Learn about different types of Functions and various Object-Oriented concepts such as Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overloading, Constructor, and so on.

    • User-Defined Functions
    • Concept of Return Statement
    • Concept of __name__=” __main__”
    • Function Parameters
    • Different Types of Arguments
    • Global Variables
    • Global Keyword
    • Variable Scope and Returning Values
    • Lambda Functions
    • Various Built-In Functions
    • Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
    • Built-In Class Attributes
    • Public, Protected and Private Attributes, and Methods
    • Class Variable and Instance Variable
    • Constructor and Destructor
    • Decorator in Python
    • Core Object-Oriented Principles
    • Inheritance and Its Types
    • Method Resolution Order
    • Overloading
    • Overriding
    • Getter and Setter Methods
    • Inheritance-In-Class Case Study
    • Functions – Syntax, Arguments, Keyword Arguments, and Return Values
    • Lambda – Features, Syntax, Options
    • Built-In Functions
    • Python Object-Oriented Concepts Applications
    • Python Object-Oriented Core Principles and Its Applications
    • Inheritance Case Study

  • Learning Objective: Learn how to create generic python scripts, address errors/exceptions in code, and extract/filter content using regex.

    • Standard Libraries
    • Packages and Import Statements
    • Reload Function
    • Important Modules in Python
    • Sys Module
    • Os Module
    • Math Module
    • Date-Time Module
    • Random Module
    • JSON Module
    • Regular Expression
    • Exception Handling
    • Packages and Modules
    • Regular Expressio
    • Errors and Exceptions – Types of Issues, and Their Remediation

  • Learning Objective: Get familiar with the basics of Data Analysis using two essential libraries: NumPy and Pandas. You will also understand the concept of file handling using the NumPy library.

    • Basics of Data Analysis
    • NumPy – Arrays
    • Operations on Arrays
    • Indexing Slicing and Iterating
    • NumPy Array Attributes
    • Matrix Product
    • NumPy Functions
    • Functions
    • Array Manipulation
    • File Handling Using NumPy
    • Matrix Product and Aggregate Functions using Numpy
    • Array Creation and Logic Functions
    • File Handling Using Numpy

  • Learning Objective: Gain in-depth knowledge about analyzing datasets and data manipulation using Pandas.

    • Introduction to pandas
    • Data structures in pandas
    • Series
    • Data Frames
    • Importing and Exporting Files in Python
    • Basic Functionalities of a Data Object
    • Merging of Data Objects
    • Concatenation of Data Objects
    • Types of Joins on Data Objects
    • Data Cleaning using pandas
    • Exploring Datasets
    • Functionality of Series
    • The Functionality of Data Frame
    • Combining Data from Dataset
    • Cleaning Data

  • Learning Objective: Learn Data Visualization using Matplotlib.

    • Why Data Visualization?
    • Matplotlib Library
    • Line Plots
    • Multiline Plots
    • Bar Plot
    • Histogram
    • Pie Chart
    • Scatter Plot
    • Boxplot
    • Saving Charts
    • Customizing Visualizations
    • Saving Plots
    • Grids
    • Subplots
    • Plotting Different Types of Charts
    • Customizing Visualizations Using Matplotlib
    • Customizing Visualizations and Subplots

  • Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn GUI programming using ipywidgets package.

    • Ipywidgets Package
    • Numeric Widgets
    • Boolean Widgets
    • Selection Widgets
    • String Widgets
    • Date Picker
    • Color Picker
    • Container Widgets
    • Creating a GUI Application
    • Creating GUI Elements
    • Creating an application containing GUI elements

  • Learning Objective: Learn to design Python Applications.

    • Use of Folium Library
    • Use of Pandas Library
    • Flow Chart of Web Map Application
    • Developing Web Map Using Folium and Pandas
    • Reading Information from Titanic Dataset and Represent It Using Plots

  • Learning Objective: Learn to design Python Applications.

    • Beautiful Soup Library
    • Requests Library
    • Scrap All Hyperlinks from a Webpage Using Beautiful Soup and Requests
    • Plotting Charts Using Bokeh
    • Plotting Scatterplots Using Bokeh
    • Image Editing Using OpenCV
    • Face Detection Using OpenCV
    • Motion Detection and Capturing Video

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