Security Processes in practice for Businesses

Note: This is a self-paced module
Learning Objective: A business primarily is about making profits via achieving set targets and by catering best to customers and keeping shareholders and investors happy. This involves huge number of complex and interdependent discrete processes to run smoothly, efficiently and in a well monitored way. Today IT being one of the core enablers & also an increasingly major business platforms – threats are more than likely to cause enough disruption that may cause the business to derail completely.
In this module we will glance over a variety of such business processes – to appreciate the relation, applicability and practicability of various information/ cyber security and risk management concepts that may be put in place to help the business stay predictable, safer and within a controlled cyber risk profile thereby enabling it to continue chasing its set targets.
  • Key Security Business Processes
  • Corp. & Security Governance
  • IT Strategy management
  • Portfolio/Program/Project management
  • Change management
  • Supplier (third party) management
  • Problem management
  • Knowledge management
  • Info-sec management
  • BCP
  • IT Operations management
  • Overview of top 20 security controls
Hands On/Demo::
  • Honeypot
  • Website Mirroring