Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT) 2.0
- Describe the troubleshooting tools and methodologies that are used to identify and resolve issues in complex enterprise networks
- Isolate and fix the network issues that your company, SECHNIK Networking Ltd., is facing
- Isolate and fix the network issues that your customer, TINC Garbage Disposal Ltd., is facing
- Isolate and fix the network issues that your customer, PILE Forensic Accounting Ltd., is facing
- Isolate and fix the network issues that your customer, Bank of POLONA Ltd., is facing
- Isolate and fix the network issues that your customer, RADULKO Transport Ltd., is facing
Course Outline:
- Module 1: Tools and Methodologies of Troubleshooting
- Module 2: Troubleshooting at SECHNIK Networking Ltd
- Module 3: Troubleshooting at TINC Garbage Disposal Ltd
- Module 4: Troubleshooting at PILE Forensic Accounting Ltd
- Module 5: Troubleshooting at Bank of POLONA Ltd
- Module 6: Troubleshooting at RADULKO Transport Ltd